Discover our helpful tool for determining the most cost-effective Failure Management Tasks for situations where a range of tasks are technically feasible. This tool supports the application of the RCM Decision Diagram by evaluating various tasks based on the economic impact of doing the task, and of not doing the task, helping you to ensure, not only that tasks are worth doing, but also which task is the most cost effective from a total cost perspective.
Our tool helps you manage Failure Modes and make informed decisions by answering key questions such as:
- What is the task interval for maintenance tasks?
- What are the costs of carrying out the task?
- What are the costs of failure?
The tool evaluates various tasks that manage failures with economic consequences, including:
- Scheduled Overhaul: Periodic restorations to prevent failure.
- Scheduled Replacement: Proactive replacement before failure occurs.
- No Scheduled Maintenance: Allowing failures to occur without proactive intervention. Also known as run-to-failure
- Failure Finding: Identifying hidden failures by checking to see if the failure mode has occurred
- Redesign or One-Time Change: Any one-time change (as opposed to cyclic tasks) to eliminate failure modes.
By incorporating the costs of performing tasks, the potential losses from failure, and the optimal intervals for any task, this tool helps you select the right maintenance strategy for your specific environment, in order to maximize reliability and minimize costs.
Take the guesswork out of failure management and optimize your maintenance plans with this powerful RCM-based tool today.